Over 40 percent of Americans think civil war is likely within 10 years. Think of that for a moment, over 40 percent think the country is that divided that it would go to war against itself. What would such a war look like I wonder? Imagine waring with neighbor against neighbor, going house to house demanding to know who you support, right wingers or liberals and that answer could end up with you being murdered?

It was once posited in the 1960’s that the war in the United States after a nuclear attack would be fought between convicts and file clerks. The convicts would know brutality, while the file clerks would know organization. Who would win?

This was posited on the great movie Failsafe from the 1960’s and is as apt today as it was then. This brings up the question of civil war in this country as well. Because at the end of the day a civil war in the United States would look pretty much the same as posited back then. The brutal convicts would be the ones who knew violence and death, while the file clerks would know organization. Each would battle for the remainder of the United States.

I would predict… convicts and file clerks. Prof. Groeteschele : The worst convicts – those deep down in solitary confinement – and the most ordinary file clerks, probably for large insurance companies, because they would be in fire-proof rooms, protected by tons of the best insulator in the world: paper.

And imagine what will happen. The small group of vicious criminals will fight the army of file clerks for the remaining means of life. The convicts will know violence, but the file clerks will know… organization. Who do you think will win?

It is a fact that there wouldn’t be much left after such a war, and it’s truly interesting that over 40 percent of the people in the United States believe that this war is coming.

Story below:

More than two-fifths of Americans believe civil war is at least somewhat likely in the next 10 years, according to a new survey – a figure that increases to more than half among self-identified “strong Republicans”.

Amid heated rhetoric from supporters of Donald Trump, the findings, in research by YouGov and the Economist, follow similar results in other polls.

On Sunday night, the South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham predicted “riots in the streets” if Trump is indicted over his retention of classified documents after leaving the White House, materials recovered by the FBI at Trump’s home this month.

Graham earned widespread rebuke. On Monday, Mary McCord, a former acting deputy attorney general, told CNN it was “incredibly irresponsible for an elected official to basically make veiled threats of violence, just if law enforcement and the Department of Justice … does their job”.

Saying “people are angry, they may be violent”, McCord said, showed that “what [Trump] knows and what Lindsey Graham also knows … is that people listen to that and people actually mobilise and do things.

“January 6 was the result of this same kind of tactic by President Trump and his allies.”

Nine deaths including suicides among police officers have been linked to the Capitol attack on 6 January 2021, when supporters Trump told to “fight like hell” to overturn his defeat by Joe Biden attempted to stop the certification of electoral results.

Since then, fears of political violence have grown.

Most experts believe a full-scale armed conflict, like the American civil war of 1861-65, remains unlikely.

But many fear an increase of jagged political division and explicitly political violence, particularly as Republican politicians who support Trump’s lie about electoral fraud run for Congress, governor’s mansions and key state elections posts.

This month, Rachel Kleinfeld, a specialist in civil conflict at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told the Guardian: “Countries with democracies and governments as strong as America’s do not fall into civil war. But if our institutions weaken, the story could be different.”

In the poll by YouGov and the Economist, 65% of all respondents said political violence had increased since the start of 2021. Slightly fewer, 62%, thought political violence would increase in the next few years.

Participants were also asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in this country?”

Among all US citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. But among strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

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Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/29/us-civil-war-fears-poll

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